I've meditated on my Word of the Year for 2009. I chose the word SHARING for my Inner Journey team's Word of the Year. I think it would also make a good word for my personal year of 2009. This years word would have been Control for me. I took control of ME and my life, my journey. Now it is time to open up and share my life with others. As I was seeking control, I did draw back a bit from family and friends. I'm ready to seek them out and share my new self with them. I didn't isolate myself, but I also avoided certain situations. No more avoiding for me in 2009. I can face things head on knowing I am capable of handling any situation. I also want to share what I have learned with those who are going through the same things. We can learn so much from each other. I was Great in 2008!!!!!
2009 will be Mighty Fine!!!
This will explain in detail why the word Sharing is a good word to focus on in 2009:
Why sharing you may ask? It doesn’t sound like a strong word or a motivating word. What benefits are there from sharing? Why should it be Inner Journey’s Word for 2009?
Inner Journey’s Mission Statement:
~We are all on a journey...to create ourselves, to lose weight, to be healthy, to further or education and so on. Regardless of our individual journey we are currently involved in, we each have to take responsibility for it, pursue it and share it. Inner Journey provides the opportunity to share our journey’s with others. IJ provides an interchange of information, encouragement and ideas related to maintaining a healthy Mind, Body and Soul. IJ will continue to develop to meet the needs of its team members as we journey through life together.~
As we learn, we have a responsibility to share the knowledge with others. Seneca, a mid 1st Century Roman Philosopher said, “There is no delight in owning anything unshared.” How do you feel after you have learned something new? Do you want to keep it to yourself or is your first thought to call someone and tell them? How do you feel after you have shared it with someone else?
Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C., is quoted as saying, “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” By sharing we can touch thousands of lives. The dynamics of that astounds me! Imagine the possibilities! After all, Sharing is Loving. What good is love if it isn’t given, shared?
The importance of sharing can not be understated. The first step in any journey is taking control, but eventually more must be required to ensure a healthy journey. We control our journey, but we also share it. We are most fulfilled when we have someone to share life and our journey. If someone has touched your life, your journey, and impacted it in some way no matter how small, let them know. Share with them what it meant for their efforts in sharing their journey with you. Daily affirmations are a wonderful way to increase our confidence in our self, but do we offer affirmations to others on a regular basis? Let people know the good things about themselves.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet 1803-1882, understood that “Our best thoughts come from others.” Share yours in 2009!
Welcome to my journey...It is quite a ride!
I will be posting poetry, affirmations, thoughts and feelings and motivating quotes. This will be a journal of my life and experiences. If you like what you read, please leave a comment. Journey's are to be shared.
I will be posting poetry, affirmations, thoughts and feelings and motivating quotes. This will be a journal of my life and experiences. If you like what you read, please leave a comment. Journey's are to be shared.
My Favorite Quotes...
"To Hope and dream is not to ignore the practical. It is to dress it in colors and rainbows." ~~Anne Wilson Shaef
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
2008 In Review
I survived 2008. That is the most important thing that came out of my reflection on 2008. I faced multiple challenges. I think they encouraged me to look deep into myself and take stock of my life and who I was or had become. I didn't like everything I saw and set about changing it. I couldn't control some of the events happening, but I could control me and my reaction to them. I had become bitter, frustrated, unhappy, depressed and sad. Wow, I saw a person I didn't recognize. So, what did I do about it??
I sought out hobbies, I began my journaling again, I read article after article on depression, healthy living, controlling stress and everything else I could get my hands on that might help me learn and grow as a person. I visited with a counselor who helped me with info on relaxation, automatic thinking and skills to control my thoughts and not let them control me. I started depression medicine which helps me to control my emotions and allows me to think before letting my emotions take over. I began daily affirmations to constantly remind me I am worthy of good things. I slowly began to believe it! I surrounded myself with positive energy and good thoughts. And I shared... I even started a spark team so others like me could share what they have learned. It all worked!!!
I am happy. I am positive. I am in control. However, this is just the beginning of my journey. One small journey has been achieved leading me to my next journey...2009. Someone mentioned they select a word for the year and coordinate their goals around that word. I like that idea. I will meditate on what word best describes my goal for 2009 and continue with my blog.
What didn't work so well for 2008?
**Inconsistent in strength training
**Allowed things to interfere with walking
**Fast Food!!!!
**Poor scheduling of time
**Poor planning of meals
**Exhaustion interfering with healthy lifestyle (hopefully this will be fixed with my sleep apnea discovery and solution)
When I plan my road map for 2009 I will incorporate paths to improve these things.
Happy Journey!
I sought out hobbies, I began my journaling again, I read article after article on depression, healthy living, controlling stress and everything else I could get my hands on that might help me learn and grow as a person. I visited with a counselor who helped me with info on relaxation, automatic thinking and skills to control my thoughts and not let them control me. I started depression medicine which helps me to control my emotions and allows me to think before letting my emotions take over. I began daily affirmations to constantly remind me I am worthy of good things. I slowly began to believe it! I surrounded myself with positive energy and good thoughts. And I shared... I even started a spark team so others like me could share what they have learned. It all worked!!!
I am happy. I am positive. I am in control. However, this is just the beginning of my journey. One small journey has been achieved leading me to my next journey...2009. Someone mentioned they select a word for the year and coordinate their goals around that word. I like that idea. I will meditate on what word best describes my goal for 2009 and continue with my blog.
What didn't work so well for 2008?
**Inconsistent in strength training
**Allowed things to interfere with walking
**Fast Food!!!!
**Poor scheduling of time
**Poor planning of meals
**Exhaustion interfering with healthy lifestyle (hopefully this will be fixed with my sleep apnea discovery and solution)
When I plan my road map for 2009 I will incorporate paths to improve these things.
Happy Journey!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Stress Relief For Women
Are you stressed? Worried about the economic situation? Unsure of what the future holds?
Join the club. Unfortunately we’re all stressed, especially women. The American Psychological Association research study "Stress in America," reports that women are more fearful about the current financial situation than men. Women are reporting more physical and psychological symptoms, including sleep disturbance, headaches, mood swings and changes in appetite. In fact, more than one-third of women currently rank their stress level as "extreme."
Healthwise, stress can impact us in profoundly negative ways. We often react by partaking in unhealthy habits like overeating, drinking too much and smoking. Stress can elevate our blood pressure, affect our hearts, and impact our ability to sleep or concentrate. Emotionally it can make us anxious, fearful, depressed or paranoid. With the holidays here and all the traditional challenges they brings with them, now is a great time to find some stress relief.
How can women reduce stress? First, let’s look at how we process it. As women, we don’t have the male gene that causes a “fight or flight” response. We actually respond with a need to “tend and befriend.” We want to take care of our children and to be with our friends. (More on this in the book: “The Tending Instinct,” by psychologist Shelley E. Taylor.) Also, we are often the primary source of emotional support to children, men and other women – so if we’re stressed, it can impact everyone around us.
Unfortunately we individually can’t do much to stop the economic situation, but we can reduce our stress so we can take better care of ourselves and our families.
Here at Girlfriendology, the online community for women based on female friendship, we believe it is more important than ever for women to look out for ourselves and one another. Girlfriends make us healthier, happier, live longer, feel more beautiful and even reduce stress. These close social ties are therapeutic and healthy, especially in a time of high stress.
So, girlfriends – here are 10 ways women can reduce stress, with help from our female friends:
You see? Spending time with your girlfriends is an excellent way of reducing your stress and that of your friends. By taking this pre-emptive, proactive approach, you’ll both be healthier, calmer and even have happier holidays. Stress-relief by spending time with your girlfriends … it’s a great way to respond to whatever stresses you!
Girlfriendology is the online community for women based on inspiration, appreciation and celebration of female friendship.
Founded by Debba Haupert in 2006, Girlfriendology inspires women to make new female acquaintances, spend time with their girlfriends, and appreciate those friendships that are vital to women’s health and happiness. Girlfriendology.com features inspiring women in semi-weekly podcasts, contests to share girlfriend stories and provides videos, shopping, reviews, blogs and more.
Join the club. Unfortunately we’re all stressed, especially women. The American Psychological Association research study "Stress in America," reports that women are more fearful about the current financial situation than men. Women are reporting more physical and psychological symptoms, including sleep disturbance, headaches, mood swings and changes in appetite. In fact, more than one-third of women currently rank their stress level as "extreme."
Healthwise, stress can impact us in profoundly negative ways. We often react by partaking in unhealthy habits like overeating, drinking too much and smoking. Stress can elevate our blood pressure, affect our hearts, and impact our ability to sleep or concentrate. Emotionally it can make us anxious, fearful, depressed or paranoid. With the holidays here and all the traditional challenges they brings with them, now is a great time to find some stress relief.
How can women reduce stress? First, let’s look at how we process it. As women, we don’t have the male gene that causes a “fight or flight” response. We actually respond with a need to “tend and befriend.” We want to take care of our children and to be with our friends. (More on this in the book: “The Tending Instinct,” by psychologist Shelley E. Taylor.) Also, we are often the primary source of emotional support to children, men and other women – so if we’re stressed, it can impact everyone around us.
Unfortunately we individually can’t do much to stop the economic situation, but we can reduce our stress so we can take better care of ourselves and our families.
Here at Girlfriendology, the online community for women based on female friendship, we believe it is more important than ever for women to look out for ourselves and one another. Girlfriends make us healthier, happier, live longer, feel more beautiful and even reduce stress. These close social ties are therapeutic and healthy, especially in a time of high stress.
So, girlfriends – here are 10 ways women can reduce stress, with help from our female friends:
- Volunteer with a friend. Animal shelter or senior center, church group or a neighborhood organization--volunteering together doubles the fun. And, knowing that you’re helping others takes your mind off your own stress and reminds you of all your blessings.
- Simplify your lives--together. Take turns helping each other get organized. Help your girlfriend with household projects or have her join you in cleaning out your basement. Organize, declutter and to trust your girlfriend to help you make good choices in what to keep and what to donate or toss. Do a little at a time--no need to be stressed by the project!
- Phone a friend--still is a great lifeline! Sure, we sometimes send a quick email or forward a funny joke, but it takes personal communication to really connect. People love the sound of their friend’s voice. Give her a call to catch up. Plan a phone date at a time that’s good for both of you. I have a monthly coffee phone dates with a long-distance girlfriend. We plan a time to talk on the weekend when the free minutes are rolling. A few minutes on the phone together can totally erase all our worries simply through a caring, fun conversation between girlfriends.
- Start a girlfriend group. Gather friends and start a book club, running club, mommies group or gourmet club. Find a common interest and then meet up on a regular basis. Like a vacation, it’s something great to anticipate!
- Make plans to do dinner or lunch. Food + girlfriends = fun! Try a new restaurant or share appetizers at your girlfriends’ for a happy hour with the girls. Take a wine tasting or cooking class together.
- Take a yoga or Pilates class with a girlfriend. The exercise will help you physically, the girlfriend will help you emotionally – both wonderful outcomes for an hour of your time. Plus, you’re bound to find things to giggle about in class, which is worth the effort simply for the comic relief!
- Try some animal therapy. Pets, like girlfriends, are also a proven source of stress relief. Put the two together and visit a dog park with a girlfriend. You’ll laugh at the dog antics, personalities and owners. Or, take a dog for a walk together. That combines exercise, animals and friendship--add a nice day and you’re set for a super stress-relieving session.
- Be creative. Enjoy time together and forget about the stress in your lives by getting creative. Take a knitting class, plan a day to scrapbook, make cards, bead or try a new craft together. Crafting is also a wonderful way to get your mind thinking creatively which can lead to new solutions for your stressful life. There’s a reason women are so passionate about their pastimes--find your passion and some girlfriends who share that hobby with you and you’re on your way to happiness. And, you can make gifts for your girlfriends!
- Plan some together time for pampering. Go shoe shopping, get haircuts or massages, or share a cup of tea--together. Allow yourself some time together to take care of your inner girlie-girl.
- Get healthy together. The fact is: weight gain or unhealthy habits often accompany stress. Find an approach that works for both of you to get healthier. Get her to sign up for SparkPeople too and track your progress together. Hold each other accountable for eating right, exercising, encouraging each other and celebrating your successes. Stress diminishes when you’re healthy, happy, beautiful and with your girlfriend!
You see? Spending time with your girlfriends is an excellent way of reducing your stress and that of your friends. By taking this pre-emptive, proactive approach, you’ll both be healthier, calmer and even have happier holidays. Stress-relief by spending time with your girlfriends … it’s a great way to respond to whatever stresses you!
Girlfriendology is the online community for women based on inspiration, appreciation and celebration of female friendship.

Monday, December 1, 2008
New Beginnings

December is here! How did it get here so quickly?? It was just January 1, 2008 a few days ago. December brings thoughts of new goals for the next year and meditating on what happened this year. We learn from the things that happen so there is nothing wrong with reviewing the year. What did you learn about yourself, good or bad? How did you do on achieving your goals? What do you need to adjust for 2009? Now is the time! Reflect and Plan!
Over all I am very pleased with 2008. It included many difficult challenges for me, but I survived them and over came them. I learned so much about myself and how I can still help others without draining myself. I learned that I am strong. I can be happy with myself while I continue to grow. I'm a bit lazy with my exercises so it gives me new goals to work on for 2009. I can write a novel though I did not complete it during the November Novel Writing challenge. I learned I am smart. My spirituality is important. I am not an island but need others in my journey though I don't depend on them for my happiness. I love my husband. I learned I can paint. I learned I can dance. I learned I can play drums. I can lead an online community. I have much to share with others that can benefit them as it has me. I have learned that I am Fabulous!!
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