
Welcome to my journey...It is quite a ride!

I will be posting poetry, affirmations, thoughts and feelings and motivating quotes. This will be a journal of my life and experiences. If you like what you read, please leave a comment. Journey's are to be shared.

My Favorite Quotes...

"To Hope and dream is not to ignore the practical. It is to dress it in colors and rainbows." ~~Anne Wilson Shaef

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Word for the Year~2009~SHARING

I've meditated on my Word of the Year for 2009. I chose the word SHARING for my Inner Journey team's Word of the Year. I think it would also make a good word for my personal year of 2009. This years word would have been Control for me. I took control of ME and my life, my journey. Now it is time to open up and share my life with others. As I was seeking control, I did draw back a bit from family and friends. I'm ready to seek them out and share my new self with them. I didn't isolate myself, but I also avoided certain situations. No more avoiding for me in 2009. I can face things head on knowing I am capable of handling any situation. I also want to share what I have learned with those who are going through the same things. We can learn so much from each other. I was Great in 2008!!!!!

2009 will be Mighty Fine!!!

This will explain in detail why the word Sharing is a good word to focus on in 2009:



Why sharing you may ask? It doesn’t sound like a strong word or a motivating word. What benefits are there from sharing? Why should it be Inner Journey’s Word for 2009?

Inner Journey’s Mission Statement:

~We are all on a journey...to create ourselves, to lose weight, to be healthy, to further or education and so on. Regardless of our individual journey we are currently involved in, we each have to take responsibility for it, pursue it and share it. Inner Journey provides the opportunity to share our journey’s with others. IJ provides an interchange of information, encouragement and ideas related to maintaining a healthy Mind, Body and Soul. IJ will continue to develop to meet the needs of its team members as we journey through life together.~

As we learn, we have a responsibility to share the knowledge with others. Seneca, a mid 1st Century Roman Philosopher said, “There is no delight in owning anything unshared.” How do you feel after you have learned something new? Do you want to keep it to yourself or is your first thought to call someone and tell them? How do you feel after you have shared it with someone else?

Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C., is quoted as saying, “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” By sharing we can touch thousands of lives. The dynamics of that astounds me! Imagine the possibilities! After all, Sharing is Loving. What good is love if it isn’t given, shared?

The importance of sharing can not be understated. The first step in any journey is taking control, but eventually more must be required to ensure a healthy journey. We control our journey, but we also share it. We are most fulfilled when we have someone to share life and our journey. If someone has touched your life, your journey, and impacted it in some way no matter how small, let them know. Share with them what it meant for their efforts in sharing their journey with you. Daily affirmations are a wonderful way to increase our confidence in our self, but do we offer affirmations to others on a regular basis? Let people know the good things about themselves.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet 1803-1882, understood that “Our best thoughts come from others.” Share yours in 2009!

1 comment:

~Laura said...

and there we are sharing and hoping!!!