Though one door of my life is closing, another is opening. Time has come for me to take care of ME and focus on my priorities and the important things. I will make the most of this new beginning and finally enjoy life. I will pursue peace and happiness. My spirituality and relationship with God is of utmost importance. Peace and happiness will follow if I put God first in my life. The peace of God excels all things.
New Beginnings Life Plan for ME!
1. Relationship with God: Pray, study Bible, attend meetings regularly, preaching activity.
2. Health: Exercise regularly, eat healthy and watch portion size.
3. Hobbies: Keep busy with things that interest me.
4. Positive Attitude: There is no place for negativity. Maintain positive energy and look for the good in situations.
5. Good Work Ethic: Give my best efforts at work and let the small things go. I am happy to have a job.
6. Organized & Clean: As soon as I move into my new place, I will organize carefully and keep everything in its place. It will be clean and welcoming at all times. My home will be a peaceful haven I can relax in and enjoy.
7. Live Simply: I will manage my budget carefully and not spend money unwisely or without thought. I will not eat out all the time and will bring my healthy lunch to work on most days.
8. Relaxation & DeStressing: I will take time to relax and de-stress with music, techniques, aromatherapy.
9. Daily Affirmations: Write my affirmations regarding good things about myself and my life.
10. Journal Daily: Never forget to write my thoughts and feelings each day. It helps me to see an overview of my life and where I am at on my journey through it. Bottling feelings inside leads to emotional distress which manifest themselves physically. Journaling releases those negative emotions and allows me to focus on the truths and positive things.
*I am strong!
*I will excel today!
*I feel calm!
*I am happy!
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