THIS is my time! My Life! I am ready to make a difference in who I am, where I am going and what I am doing. It starts NOW! My new apartment is going to reflect ME and provide a peaceful haven from THAT...
THAT was my life filled with loneliness, negativity, pain, regret, doubts and lies. It's time is over and will be put away as a learning experience. There were good times mixed in with the bad. Sadly, the good was not enough to outweigh the bad.
Why the Tinkerbell picture, you may ask... Tink is a shinning light providing assistance and hope if you just believe. We all believe in something. The importance of what we believe is our decision. I believe in God Jehovah. I believe in ME. I believe in close friends. I believe in happiness. I believe you should Dream, Hope & Believe!
Wednesday's Affirmations:
I will handle frustrations in a calm, patient manner!
I am centered with my priorities straight!
I deserve respect!
I am strong and mighty!
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