I am thankful
~ for the lovely weather.
~ my children are healthy.
~ my husband loves me.
~ for the opportunity to write a novel.
~ an understanding boss.
~ for good friends.
~ for the health I have.
~ music and dance.
~ the positive feelings coming my way.
Today's Affirmations:
*I am a wonderful and worthy person.
*I appreciate the positive people in my life.
*I practice the relaxation methods that I enjoy.
*My mood is calm and relaxed.
*I control how I feel.
*I think thoughts that uplift and nurture me.
Weak is a 4 letter word. Strength is a strong word. Which one are you?
Thursday's are always an exciting day for me as I have drum and dance class. I am determined to excel and to learn the moves with grace. In other news, my husband has an interview with another airline that he has long desired as an employer. He hopes to be hired, which will mean relocating. I have mixed emotions regarding it. It would be awesome for him to work for this airline. The thoughts of trying to sell our house and move away from my family here are saddening. In the end, my husband will decide what is best for the family. I'm sure he will make the right decisions. It's been a busy day and I have several things to finish before leaving for drum class. I wish you all a wonderful evening. Keep reaching for your goals and living your dreams!
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